  • 纽约州阿尔弗雷德市北大街79号,邮编14802 校园地图


  • 政府

Home to the 校友 Welcome Center and the Division of 大学的发展. Originally constructed as a private home circa 1880 by William Clarke Burdick it's a two-story, L-shaped frame structure with a cross-gable roof and gabled dormers. Intricate woodwork embellishes the eaves and dormers as well as other features of the house. 作为东湖风格的一个显著例子, the house is a contributing building to the village's historic district.


  • 构造:1880
  • 改造:2006
  • In Honor of: The Fasano Family and the alumni brothers of Delta Sigma Phi
  • 在这栋楼里: 大学的发展


北纬79度的房子. Main Street in Alfred is an important structure not only for its architecture but also to the history of the village and Alfred University.

出生于阿尔弗雷德,威廉C. Burdick, 一个有“良好判断力”的人, of sterling business and Christian integrity" attended the Alfred Academy and was a prominent member of the local Seventh Day Baptist Church. 他拥有并经营阿勒格尼奶酪公司, the best known firm in Western New York because of his reliability and honesty. His love and support for Alfred University included generous philanthropic gifts as well as serving on the Board of Trustees for 45 years.

伯迪克的第二任妻子, 阿曼达·克兰德尔·普雷斯科特, 是克拉克·克兰德尔法官的女儿吗, 阿尔弗雷德的拓荒者之一. She also attended the Alfred Academy and was graduated in 1848; she furthered her studies elsewhere and became a music teacher. 当她的第一任丈夫E.S. Prescott, died in 1879, she returned to Alfred and eventually married William Burdick in 1885.

In 1893, Amanda invited local women to meet informally in her parlor to establish a reading club. The next year it was officially organized and named the "Amandine Club" to honor Mrs. 感谢伯迪克为他们每周的聚会开放她的家. 俱乐部的活动过去是,现在仍然是社交和文化活动. In 1936, the organization joined with another local group and is currently the Allen Civic - Amandine Club.

1902年威廉·伯迪克去世后, Amanda was elected to succeed her husband on the University's Board of Trustees. She established the Amanda Malvina Burdick Scholarship and gave to the University, 和她的继女, 苏珊·M. Burdick, a men's boarding hall (Burdick Hall) as well as the land currently occupied by Jordan Hall.

Amanda died in 1920 and has been described as a person with "rare personal charm, 广泛的同情, 还有明智的判断."

苏珊·M. Burdick sold the house in 1922 to the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity which owned and operated its organization there until 2003 except for a short period during World War II. The University housed regiments of the Student Army Training Corps on campus and needed the main women's residence, 砖块, 他们的营房. 现在需要一个地方来安置这些女人, the University made agreements with the fraternities to use their quarters. Hence the Burdick/Delta House was turned over to the University and used as a women's hall. It was there that the nurses corps was established; this corps later led to the formation of the University's College of Nursing.

大火两次烧毁了这所房子. In 1936 a fire caused by the blow torch of a painter gutted the attic and caused damage estimated at $8,000. A slate roof and the winding stairway made it a very difficult job for the firemen. In 1981 a fire broke out on the third floor, believed to be caused by faulty wiring. 火灾和洪水造成的损失非常大.

The Burdick/Delta House represents the dedication of Alfred's pioneers to working hard and succeeding, to be contributing members to their town and strong supporters of education, 以及支持妇女的教育和文化知识. 作为一个兄弟会会馆已经有80多年了, 它为该校数百名校友的生活做出了贡献, 包括董事会的一些成员. It will continue to be a focal point for the University in its role as a welcome center as well as a reminder of Alfred's rich heritage.

Alfred University stopped recognizing all Greek societies (fraternities and sororities) in 2002. 德尔塔·西格玛·Phi把它的房子转交给了大学. Members of the fraternity that had owned the house for more than 80 years led efforts to raise funds and contributed more than half the total needed to restore and renovate the house for its new life, (Jon Tabor '55 matched dollar-for-dollar all contributions made to the renovation fund.) as an alumni welcome center and home to the Division of 大学的发展.

法的房子的欢迎中心是献给约瑟夫的, 非盟1954届毕业生和已故的安·桑德斯·法萨诺, 1953届毕业生, 还有他们已故的儿子, 帕特里克, 1980届毕业生. 乔和帕特·法萨诺都是德尔塔·西格玛·菲的成员.

通过罗伯特·科尔宾的努力, 1956年的非盟校友, the University obtained the services of nationally recognized architect Elizabeth Corbin Murphy of Chambers Murphy & Burge Restoration Architects,阿克伦,俄亥俄州. She worked with interior designer Vivian Hyde of Alfred to uncover and recreate the original architectural details, 包括雕刻复杂的木制品, 墙上的彩色玻璃和凸起的石膏装饰. They scraped through layers of paint and paper to determine original color schemes to make the restoration as historically accurate as possible. 尽可能多, the exterior of the building and the first floor have been restored to their original Victorian character.

They called upon several local artisans to help them with the restoration. Artisans Joe Dosch, Leroy Herrick and Joe Fasano '53 helped to create woodwork. 约翰·吉尔1975年, 陶瓷艺术教授, 制作模具,以便复制凸起的石膏图案. Mary Harris '91 made stencils used to decorate the downstairs meeting rooms. General contractors were Alan and Jason Burdick of Burdick Building Supplies of Alfred - and descendants of the family that originally owned the house.